Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Last Week in Canada

As a third year student at the University of Western Ontario I am ready to leave the snowy, winter days of London, Ontario behind and explore the world.

Growing up in Toronto, I have been immersed in a multi-cultural environment and have always been eager to try new things. This winter and spring I am going to explore Asia as well as obtaining a semester of credits from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

I applied for an exchange to Singapore because it was something completely new and unknown to me. I have travelled to some countries of Europe, many provinces of Canada, the United States and some of the Caribbean; but never to Asia. As a media studies student and an avid traveller, Singapore was the perfect fit for a destination for exchange.   Singapore  is a safe, small island surrounded by many countries and their islands that I wish to explore.  It is tropical and beautiful. It is also advanced in technology and media and will give me great insight into new perspectives and ways of thinking that I can apply to my education.

This week I am packing and saying goodbye to my incredible family and friends. I have the most supportive and loving family that I will miss a lot, but it is not goodbye, just see you later. The past two weeks have been filled with goodbyes,doctor's visits and phone calls but my excitement just keeps building.

4 days until i get on the plane to fly to KL Malaysia!!!

Some of my goodbyes were captured on film...here they are:

Skating in Toronto my last night

My goodbye dinner with my wonderful UWO friends

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